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Face: Our business card


The face it is our business card. It is the first thing that people look at and that is why it should always look beautiful. Careful skin depends on a number of factors: a balanced diet, sun care, proper cleansing and the use of dermatological creams. All those are helpful, but we must first change our habits. Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and looks less smooth, with wrinkles and wrinkles and without firmness. It is necessary to transform the way you chew, swallow, smile and even express itself.


Did you heard about the MZ Method or Speech and Language Therapy & Aesthetic?


It worth mentioning that the profile of the patients who seek this work it's different, because they "always have a lot of willpower and extreme commitment, which contributes greatly to the success and speed of the therapeutic process", clarifies Magda Zorzella. The results after 10 sessions:


Magda Zorzella lists the benefits after treatment:























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