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About the Author:


Magda Zorzella Franco, is a Speech and Language Therapist graduated from the PUC-SP 32 years ago. She is Master in Human Communication Disorders and specialized in Orofacial Myology and Language. She is also the creator of the field of Speech and Language Therapy and Aesthetics and author of the Method MZ. She develops the area, teaches specialization and improvement formative courses and has written articles on the subject for 10 years.

Book: "Speech and Language Therapy that rejuvenates"

Author: Magda Zorzella Franco
Edition: 1st edition
Year: 2009
Publisher: "Livro Pronto"


Magda Zorzella Franco, launched on 26/10/2009, the book "The Speech and Language Therapy that rejuvenates".

The work shows the development of Speech and Language Therapy in parallel with the Aesthetic Face, a new area that was legalized in 2008 by the Federal Council of Speech and Language Therapy.

Scientifically proven, the Speech and  Language Therapy and Aesthetic - MZ Method aims to smooth out wrinkles, rejuvenation the face by rebalancing the muscles of the face.

"It's a natural and non-invasive work that teaches the patient how to care, prevent and reduce their expression marks. People from 26 to 75 years have benefited aesthetically from the movements proposed by the method, which has improved their quality of life, as these functions are rebalanced, "this method is a novelty because doesn't need any surgical intervention to delay or hide the time passess by", has explain by the author.

The book has technical speech characteristic. Teaches how the Speech and Language Therapist should do an assessment and show the aspects to be worked out on patients. However, it doesn't provide the recipe. "The technique it's individual and based in the assessment made for each patient," says Magda Zorzella Franco.
According to the author, the book provide to the Speech and language therapist a significant theoretical techical support. The content takes the general reader to know the Speech and language Therapy & Aesthetics and become interested in the work, plus acquiring lots of information about how they can use their facial muscles to improve their life quality.

"The goal it's to encourage both, the speech therapist and a layperson, to go deeper on the subject," explains the author, who has worked on this Method since 1998, doing  clinical work and  providing trainings about MZ Method to Speech and Language Therapist from Brazil and other countries.



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